September 2019 - RESCALED has visited ‘Rise’ in Malta.
We learned first-hand about the Maltese government's penal reform plans and visited a detention house in the heart of the capital. We are expecting to welcome a Maltese delegation to our next RESCALED meeting.

News from Belgium: On Tuesday 8 October 2019, the Belgian minister of Justice Koen Geens was awarded the first prize of ‘De Huizen’ for his contribution to the implementation of small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated detention houses. He has recently opened the first transition house in Belgium.
Minister Koen Geens received a golden statue made by Hans Claus, and well-deserved congratulations on behalf of RESCALED.
10 April 2019
On April 10, 2019, RESCALED was launched with a conference hosted by the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB). 190 participants from European countries and beyond, came together to exchange ideas about the penal transition towards small scale and community integrated detention. Keynote speakers were Matthias Schoenaerts, Hans Claus, Dr. Ben Crewe, Prof. Dr. Kristel Beyens and Anke Siegers, and Reynaldo Adames was our chair.
Hans Claus (with English subtitles)

Frans Douw (in Dutch)
Duarte Fonseca (in Portuguese)

On 11 April 2019, RESCALED was presented to some interested European policymakers, and recommended them to take action to:
1. Increase the visibility of RESCALED and small-scale detention houses at the European level. We are happy to share our expertise.
2. Provide European guidelines on small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated detention.
3. Ensure that, from 2024, all new designs of detention will meet the standards of small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated detention houses.
4. Increase research and funding opportunities related to small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated detention.

10 and 11 January 2020 in Paris: Veronique Achoui and Hans Claus were invited by Farapej to talk about RESCALED and detention houses as a solution for the prison overcrowding in France.
"C’est par amour que le monde change.
Ce sera par amour pour notre planète et pour nos proches que la société nouvelle va se construire." - Hans Claus
(full text)
"From Prison to Detention House"
TEDx talk by Hans Claus - An idea worth spreading!